I had not read this post earlier when I mentioned in a comment on your note that I wrote a short story involving crickets. I came over here to read it after I read your note. So, I am enjoying another synchronistic moment as I've realized that my story checks off several of the bingo boxes. I am going to write up a post tagging you tomorrow talking about how I plan to join in this awesome idea as a creative challenge to help me grow. Thank you so much for this because for the first time, I feel like I'm connected in a substack community, and I feel my heart growing, dreaming up more possibilities than before and that is just magical. 💜🦋

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That's so wonderful to read. I am honoured and grateful. 🥰 I look forward to reading your story. Thank you.

This made my day. 💗🦋

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Oh, just to be clear though, I didn't see the whole snapshots thing. I was thinking writing prompts. Do you mind if I sort of weave it into my writing instead?

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And yes - please feel free to use the prompts in any way that you see fit. I'm excited to see what you do with it. :)

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Thank you, it feels nice to have someone look forward to my writing.

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This is brilliant! I will definitely join you! Love, love it!

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Sooo good! Excited to see your posts. 💞

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So happy to take part in the challenge! It makes me look at photography in a different way ... have a purpose :)

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Wow. It's amazing to learn how this prompt affected your photography. Thank you for allowing this challenge to make a difference. <3

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This is fun! Thanks for sharing!

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I'm so pleased you liked it. Hope to see some of your posts. 🥰

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